Finance and Performance Committee
Supplementary Agenda
Notice of Meeting:
An ordinary meeting of the Finance & Performance Committee will be held on:
Date: Wednesday 13 December 2023
Time: 9.30 am
Venue: Council Chambers, Civic Offices,
53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Chairperson Deputy Chairperson Members |
Councillor Sam MacDonald Councillor Melanie Coker Mayor Phil Mauger Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter Councillor Kelly Barber Councillor Celeste Donovan Councillor Tyrone Fields Councillor James Gough Councillor Tyla Harrison-Hunt Councillor Victoria Henstock Councillor Yani Johanson Councillor Aaron Keown Councillor Jake McLellan Councillor Andrei Moore Councillor Mark Peters Councillor Tim Scandrett Councillor Sara Templeton |
11 December 2023
Principal Advisor Russell Holden Acting General Manager - Resources / CFO Tel: 941 8999 |
Andrew Campbell
Democratic Services Advisor
941 8340
Finance and Performance Committee 13 December 2023 |
Finance and Performance Committee 13 December 2023 |
Part A Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B Reports for Information
Part C Decisions Under Delegation
C 14. Resolution to Include Supplementary Reports Te Whakataunga Whakauru Pūrongo āpiti......................................................................................................... 5
C 16. Recommendations for future direction of Christchurch City Holdings Limited... 7
C 11. Resolution to Exclude the Public................................................................ 22
Finance and Performance Committee 13 December 2023 |
14. Resolution to Include Supplementary Reports Te Whakataunga Whakauru Pūrongo āpiti |
1. Background Te Horopaki
1.1 Approval is sought to submit the following reports to the Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 13 December 2023:
16. Recommendations for future direction of Christchurch City Holdings Limited
15. Christchurch City Holdings Ltd - Appointment of director to the board of Enable Services Ltd
1.2 The reason, in terms of section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, why the reports were not included on the main agenda is that they were not available at the time the agenda was prepared.
1.3 It is appropriate that the Finance and Performance Committee receive the reports at the current meeting.
2. Recommendation Te Tūtohu
2.1 That the reports be received and considered at the Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 13 December 2023.
16. Recommendations for future direction of Christchurch City Holdings Limited
15. Christchurch City Holdings Ltd - Appointment of director to the board of Enable Services Ltd
Finance and Performance Committee 13 December 2023 |
1. Purpose and Origin of Report Te Pūtake Pūrongo
1.1. Christchurch City Holdings Limited (CCHL) has identified options for more active management of its portfolio. CCHL is seeking direction from the Council on the next steps. This report follows the receipt of a letter of recommendation from Christchurch City Holdings Limited to the Council.
1.3. The decision in this report is of low significance in relation to the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy as the recommendation is that a further report be provided to the Committee to enable a decision in 2024.
2. Officer Recommendations Ngā Tūtohu
That the Finance and Performance Committee:
1. Receives the report.
2. Thanks Christchurch City Holdings Limited for the work it has undertaken to inform and engage with elected members on potential options for its future in line with the 7 December 2022 request by Council.
3. Notes the receipt of the 4 December 2023 letter from the Chair of Christchurch City Holdings Limited that recommends that the Council consults on an Active Portfolio Management operating model through the draft 2024-2034 Long Term Plan (Attachment A).
4. Notes that Christchurch City Holdings Limited has already begun implementation of the Enhanced Status Quo operating model following the portfolio review.
5. Agrees that if Christchurch City Holdings Limited’s recommended option of Active Portfolio Management proceeds to public consultation, then:
a. this will be through a Special Consultative Procedure after the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan Process; and
b. this decision supersedes Council’s 7 December 2022 decision CNCL/2022/00185 which requested the recommended option inform the draft 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.
6. Requests that the Chief Executive, in consultation with Christchurch City Holdings Limited, provides further advice on either:
a. Developing the business case for Active Portfolio Management by 30 April 2024 for Council to then consider as a Special Consultative Procedure after the adoption of the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan;
b. Ceasing further development of the business case for Active Portfolio Management.
3. Background
3.1 In December 2021, the Council provided its Letter of Expectations (LOE) to Christchurch City Holdings Limited (CCHL). The LOE contained the following:
“The Council is asking the CCHL Board to consider the role of CCHL and asks you to reflect after nearly 30 years, whether its original core purpose remains relevant and/or whether it could be enhanced to provide more support to the city. We ask that you consider this in light of the current environment, our city’s experiences over the last ten years and the future national and global challenges we are all facing.
The Council sees this initiative as an opportunity to work together to ensure CCHL’s future direction is aligned to deliver our strategic priorities and community outcomes.”
3.2 In August 2022, due to personnel changes at CCHL, the Council took over managing the review and appointed Northington Partners Limited (Northington) to undertake the review into CCHL and its operations (Northington Report).
3.3 On 7 December 2022, the Council received the Northington Report, and directed, by way of resolution, that:
Council Resolved (CNCL/2022/00184)
2. In line with the recommendations from Northington Partners in relation to the scope of CCHL:
a. The Council develop a clear Value Strategy in relation to building and utilising income or value from CCHL primarily informed by Council’s long term requirements;
b. Working closely with the Council, that CCHL be requested to scope and develop In line with the recommendations from Northington Partners in relation to the scope of CCHL detailed business cases which fully considers the costs and benefits of adopting a hybrid approach to managing the portfolio, including rebalancing and returning capital to council. Noting that this will include a spectrum of options including rebalancing the portfolio.
That these two pieces of work are prepared in time to inform and be considered as part of the Draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034.
3.4 In addition to the Northington Report, CCHL engaged KPMG to undertake a portfolio review.
3.5 Following the completion of the work by KPMG, elected members and CCHL held a series of workshops. This was to facilitate the understanding of the current position of CCHL and its subsidiaries to help to develop a business case in line with the KPMG and Northington recommendations.
3.6 During these workshops, the CCHL Board considered four options:
3.6.1 Option 1 - Status quo;
3.6.2 Option 2 - Enhanced Status quo;
3.6.3 Option 3 - Active portfolio management;
3.6.4 Option 4 - Divestment of all assets.
4. Options
4.1 At the conclusion of the Portfolio Review, the CCHL Board identified two options:
4.1.1 Enhanced Status quo (not recommended by the CCHL Board).
4.1.2 Active portfolio management (recommended by the CCHL Board).
4.2 CCHL identified the key features of ‘Option 2 - Enhanced Status Quo’ as continuing to operate within the existing mandate and existing assets, while seeking to lift returns over time through stronger oversight of capital management and operational improvements.
4.3 CCHL identified the key features of ‘Option 3 - Active Portfolio Management’ as:
4.3.1 Acknowledging CCHL as a key Strategic Asset owned by the Council, with capital remaining fully invested in meeting the Council’s long-term investment objectives, unless otherwise requested by the Council.
4.3.2 Modifying current arrangements between the Council and CCHL to add an investment governance framework, through the adoption of an Investment Policy Framework. The Investment Framework would give CCHL a mandate for greater investment flexibility.
4.3.3 The Investment Policy Framework would also include ‘guardrails’ which seek to preserve the public interest in accessing sustainable, inclusive and affordable economic infrastructure assets.
4.4 The CCHL Board has written to the Mayor and Chief Executive recommending that Council progress with Option 3 - Active Portfolio Management and consider a business case for this option as part of the draft 2024-2034 Long Term Plan (Attachment A).
5. Alternative Options Considered Ētahi atu Kōwhiringa
5.1 During the workshops, CCHL and Councillors considered two further options which were not advanced:
a. Status quo. This option was not progressed as it was considered untenable by external advisors for both CCHL and the Council.
b. Divestment of all assets. This option was not progressed as it was not supported by the Council or CCHL.
6. Current Status
6.1 Council has also been progressing two other workstreams:
6.1.1 The draft 2024-2034 Long Term Plan to be considered in February 2024; and
6.1.2 A Value Strategy for CCHL with Northington Partners to inform the draft Long Term Plan.
6.2 The draft 2024-2034 Long Term Plan is now in the process of being finalised for Council consideration on 14 February 2024.
6.3 In consultation with the Mayor, as lead for the Long Term Plan, Council staff are now seeking guidance on what assessment and advice elected members would like prepared in response to the recommendations from the CCHL Board.
6.4 The Council has resolved that the outcome of the Portfolio Review would inform the draft 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.
6.5 A decision to progress with ‘Option 3 - Active Portfolio Management’ would require a public consultation process to be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA).
6.6 The Long Term Plan currently identifies the shares held by CCHL in various companies as a strategic asset. The LGA imposes procedural safeguards and obligations in relation to any decision to transfer the ownership or control of a strategic asset. This requires that the Council must not make a decision to do so unless:
6.6.1 the decision is explicitly provided for in the long-term plan; and
6.6.2 the proposal to provide for the decision was included in a consultation document.
6.7 An amendment to the Long Term Plan would be needed to make provision for any sale or transfer of shares in a strategic asset. Consultation would be required to amend the Long Term Plan.
6.8 The appropriate level of information to ensure compliance with decision-making requirements under the LGA would be required. The consultation would need to appropriately identify a detailed proposal, the reasons for the proposal and the reasonably practicable options and their advantages and disadvantages. For strategic assets a description of any accountability or monitoring arrangements to assess the performance of any person to own a strategic asset (if this can be identified); and whether there are any conflicts of interest arising from the proposed transfer of the control or ownership of the asset, and if so, how they will be managed.
6.9 Any amendment to the Long Term Plan must also be audited prior to notification.
6.10 Failure to meet these requirements before a decision is made may risk a breach of the legislative requirements.
6.11 Council has been advised that this risk can be fully mitigated by resolving to consider the business case for ‘Option 3 – Active Portfolio Management’ through a special consultative procedure that occurs once the final 2024-2034 Long Term Plan is adopted.
6.12 The CCHL Board, in light of this advice, has sought direction from Council on whether to:
6.12.1 continue developing their recommended business case for the Active Portfolio Management option; and
6.12.2 whether this would still be considered as part of the draft Long Term Plan or through a special consultative procedure at a later date.
6.13 Given the implications for the draft Long Term Plan, elected members are now asked to provide direction on what assessment and advice they would like prepared in response to the request and recommendation from CCHL’s Board.
7. Next Steps
7.1 Given the level of public interest and scale of work required, it is not feasible to include a substantial proposed change to CCHL’s operating model as part of the consultation on the draft 2024-34 Long Term Plan.
7.2 Should a business case for ‘Option 3 – Active Portfolio Management’ be progressed, this would need to be progressed through a special consultative procedure following adoption of the final 2024-2034 Long Term Plan in June 2024.
7.3 The appropriate level of detail of information to support this consultation, and meaningful engagement with mana whenua, the public and other stakeholders, will require time and resource to prepare.
7.4 An indicative timeframe for this process could be:
7.4.1 May and June 2024 – Council receives the business case and assesses the information provided to ensure it is sufficient for a special consultative procedure.
7.4.2 July 2024 – Council considers the business case and whether to undertake a special consultative procedure to amend the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan.
7.4.3 By 30 November 2024 – Council concludes the special consultative procedure and makes its final decision on the business case.
7.5 The LGA allows for any Long Term Plan, once adopted, to be amended at any time by a special consultative procedure. Council has used this procedure in the past.
7.6 Separating these processes would not impact on the delivery of the draft Long Term Plan which will include dividend projections based on the current operating model of CCHL.
7.7 It is recommended that Committee acknowledge and thank CCHL for the work the Board and staff have done on the Portfolio Review, including the engagement with elected members through workshops. It should be noted that CCHL is undertaking this review in accordance with the Council resolution on7 December 2022.
8. Policy Framework Implications Ngā Hīraunga ā- Kaupapa here
Strategic AlignmentTe Rautaki Tīaroaro
8.1 This report supports the Council's Long Term Plan (2021 - 2031):
8.2 Not in Plan
8.2.1 Activity: Not in Plan
· Level of Service: Not in Plan
Policy Consistency Te Whai Kaupapa here
8.3 The decision is not inconsistent with Council’s Plans and Policies as it is seeking an indication of preference to support a further report.
Impact on Mana Whenua Ngā Whai Take Mana Whenua
8.4 There is no information available to conclude whether proposals in this report will have any impact on mana whenua.
Climate Change Impact Considerations Ngā Whai Whakaaro mā te Āhuarangi
Accessibility Considerations Ngā Whai Whakaaro mā te Hunga Hauā
8.6 Not applicable.
9. Resource Implications Ngā Hīraunga Rauemi
Capex/Opex Ngā Utu Whakahaere
9.1 Not applicable.
Other He mea anō
9.2 Not applicable.
10. Legal Implications Ngā Hīraunga ā-Ture
Statutory power to undertake proposals in the report Te Manatū Whakahaere Kaupapa
10.1 The Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) provides the framework to progress either of the proposals put forward by CCHL.
10.2 Section 77 of the LGA provides that:
A local authority must, in the course of the decision-making process,—
(a) seek to identify all reasonably practicable options for the achievement of the objective of a decision; and
(b) assess the options in terms of their advantages and disadvantages
10.3 Notwithstanding the advice and information provided to date by CCHL in Attachment A, staff consider that the Council requires further information as to either one or both of the options identified by CCHL prior to being able to make a decision in accordance with section 77 of the LGA.
10.4 After obtaining further advice and information, the Council will be able to fully consider the benefits and disadvantages, including financial implications, of a preferred option.
11. Risk Management Implications Ngā Hīraunga Tūraru
11.1 Not currently known.
12. Next Steps Ngā Mahinga ā-muri
12.1 After receiving direction from the Committee, a further report may be made in 2024 to enable a decision on a preferred way forward.
Attachments Ngā Tāpirihanga
No. |
Title |
Reference |
Page |
a ⇩ |
Letter from the Chair of CCHL dated 4 December 2023. |
23/2040664 |
14 |
In addition to the attached documents, the following background information is available:
Document Name – Location / File Link |
Not applicable
Confirmation of Statutory Compliance Te Whakatūturutanga ā-Ture
Compliance with Statutory Decision-making Requirements (ss 76 - 81 Local Government Act 2002). (a) This report contains: (i) sufficient information about all reasonably practicable options identified and assessed in terms of their advantages and disadvantages; and (ii) adequate consideration of the views and preferences of affected and interested persons bearing in mind any proposed or previous community engagement. (b) The information reflects the level of significance of the matters covered by the report, as determined in accordance with the Council's significance and engagement policy. |
Signatories Ngā Kaiwaitohu
Authors |
Boyd Becker - Principal Mayoral Advisor Helen White - Head of Legal & Democratic Services |
Approved By |
Mary Richardson - Interim Chief Executive |
Finance and Performance Committee 13 December 2023 |
Section 48, Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
I move that the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting, namely items listed overleaf.
Reason for passing this resolution: good reason to withhold exists under section 7.
Specific grounds under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution: Section 48(1)(a)
Section 48(4) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 provides as follows:
“(4) Every resolution to exclude the public shall be put at a time when the meeting is open to the public, and the text of that resolution (or copies thereof):
(a) Shall be available to any member of the public who is present; and
(b) Shall form part of the minutes of the local authority.”
This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as follows:
Finance and Performance Committee 13 December 2023 |
15. |
Christchurch City Holdings Ltd - Appointment of director to the board of Enable Services Ltd |
s7(2)(a) |
Protection of Privacy of Natural Persons |
To protect the identify and reputation of candidates in the event that their nominations are not successful. |
Immediately following the successful candidates being informed of the Council's decisions. |