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Christchurch City Council

Supplementary Agenda



Notice of Meeting:

An ordinary meeting of the Christchurch City Council will be held on:


Date:                                    Wednesday 3 May 2023

Time:                                   9.30 am

Venue:                                 Council Chambers, Civic Offices,
53 Hereford Street, Christchurch





Deputy Chairperson


Mayor Phil Mauger

Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter

Councillor Kelly Barber

Councillor Melanie Coker

Councillor Celeste Donovan

Councillor Tyrone Fields

Councillor James Gough

Councillor Tyla Harrison-Hunt

Councillor Victoria Henstock

Councillor Yani Johanson

Councillor Aaron Keown

Councillor Sam MacDonald

Councillor Jake McLellan

Councillor Andrei Moore

Councillor Mark Peters

Councillor Tim Scandrett

Councillor Sara Templeton



28 April 2023




Principal Advisor

Dawn Baxendale

Chief Executive

Tel: 941 8999



Katie Matheis

Team Leader Hearings & Committee Support

941 5643



Note:  The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policy unless and until adopted.  If you require further information relating to any reports, please contact the person named on the report.
To watch the meeting live, or a recording after the meeting date, go to:
To view copies of Agendas and Minutes, go to:



03 May 2023




03 May 2023



 16.     Resolution to Include Supplementary Reports...................................................... 4

17.      Notice of Motion............................................................................................... 5


03 May 2023



16. Resolution to Include Supplementary Reports

1.       Background

1.1          Approval is sought to submit the following report to the Council meeting on 03 May 2023:

17.   Notice of Motion

1.2          The reason, in terms of section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, why the report was not included on the main agenda is that it was not available at the time the agenda was prepared.

1.3          It is appropriate that the Council receive the report at the current meeting.

2.       Recommendation

2.1          That the report be received and considered at the Council meeting on 03 May 2023.

17.   Notice of Motion



03 May 2023



17.   Notice of Motion

Reference / Te Tohutoro:


Report of / Te Pou Matua:

Councillor Tim Scandrett (Tim.Scandrett@ccc.govt.nz)

General Manager / Pouwhakarae:

Dawn Baxendale, Chief Executive (Dawn.Baxendale@ccc.govt.nz)



Pursuant to Standing Order 22 of Christchurch City Council’s Standing Orders, the following Notice of Motion was submitted by Councillor Scandrett.


1.   Notice of Motion to the Council

That the Council:

1.         Note:

a.         The importance of a fit for purpose Te Kete Wānanga o Wai Mōkihi South Library rebuild to the community.

b.         That on 1 June 2022 Council received advice that the amount currently budgeted for this project in the Long-Term Plan (LTP) is insufficient and that additional budget would need to be allocated in the Annual Plan or Long-Term Plan.

c.         That design work is currently underway and it is therefore necessary to provide clarity as to the scope and budget of the project ahead of the Long-Term Plan.

2.         Seek confirmation:

a.         That the intention is at least a like for like, fit for purpose scope for this project.

b.         That the project team has confirmation that the project budget is the original estimate of $24.9m given when Council approved the rebuild, rather than the current LTP budget which was acknowledged as insufficient at the time.


Attachments Ngā Tāpirihanga






Officer Advice on NoM - South Library and Service Centre






03 May 2023


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