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Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board

Open Minutes



Date:                                    Thursday 9 May 2024

Time:                                    4.01 pm

Venue:                                 Board Room, Papanui Service Centre,
Corner Langdons Road and Restell Street, Papanui





Deputy Chairperson


Emma Norrish

Simon Britten

Pauline Cotter

Sunita Gautam

Victoria Henstock (via audiovisual link)

Ali Jones (via audiovisual link)

Jake McLellan (via audiovisual link)

John Miller

Emma Twaddell








Principal Advisor

Emma Pavey

Manager Community Governance, Papanui-Innes-Central

Tel: 941 5107


Mark Saunders

Community Board Advisor

941 6436



To watch the meeting live, or a recording after the meeting date, go to:
To view copies of Agendas and Minutes, go to:


Part A          Matters Requiring a Council Decision

Part B          Reports for Information

Part C          Decisions Under Delegation


Karakia Tīmatanga  


The agenda was dealt with in the following order.

1.   Apologies Ngā Whakapāha

Part C

There were no apologies received.

2.   Declarations of Interest Ngā Whakapuaki Aronga

Part B

There were no declarations of interest recorded.

3.   Confirmation of Previous Minutes Te Whakaāe o te hui o mua

Part C

Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00030

That the minutes of the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board meeting held on Thursday, 11 April 2024 be confirmed.

Emma Twaddell/Pauline Cotter                                                                    Carried

4.   Public Forum Te Huinga Whānui

Part B


St Albans Primary School

Te Kura o Hato Opani - St Albans School Board of Trustees Presiding Member, Karli Bristed, and Principal, Andrea Harnett, spoke on behalf of the Board of Trustees regarding the safety of children travelling to and from the school.

   The Board noted its wish that the safety concerns for children travelling to St Albans School as set out in the attached presentation be considered with urgency, including in relation to the lack of pedestrian crossings on Springfield Road.

   The Board Chairperson thanked Ms Bristed and Ms Harnett for their presentation.


a        St Albans School Presentation  


4.7          Samantha Lascelles

Samantha Lascelles reported back with her appreciation in relation to the Board supporting her through their Youth Development Fund for her to compete at the Australian National Athletics Champs in Adelaide, of which she shared the attached photos.

The Board Chairperson thanked Samantha for her presentation.



a        Samantha Lascelles Photos  



Amanda Watkins

Amanda Watkins reported back with her appreciation relative to the Board supporting her through their Youth Development Fund for her to attend the Anna Lee School of Dance ‘She Shines On’ dance tour in New York and Orlando, of which she shared the attached presentation.

The Board Chairperson thanked Amanda for her presentation.



a        Amanda Watkins Presentation  



Margot Korhonen

Margot Korhonen was unavailable to present to the meeting.




St Albans Catholic School

St Albans Catholic School Board of Trustees member, Tamara Moriarty, and Principal, Abraham Atherton, spoke on behalf of the Board of Trustees regarding the safety of children travelling to and from the school.

The Board requested that staff continue to work with St Albans Catholic School around their safety concerns for children travelling to and from the school, noting their proposal to install restrictions at their entrance for safety – indicated as having been raised with Council staff in a meeting at the school the preceding day, exploring issues with Somme Street.   

The Board Chairperson thanked Mr Atherton and Ms Moriarty for their presentation.

The Board also queried the reason for the lag in installing signage to lower the speed limit.


4.5          Carolyn Moffat

Carolyn Moffat spoke on behalf of local businesses in Edgeware Village to request an alcohol ban in Edgeware Village.

Ms Moffat presented the attached materials in support of the proposed ban.

The Board referred the request for an alcohol ban in Edgeware Village to Council staff in order that it may receive a report to enable it to consider a recommendation that the Council exercise its powers to investigate the request further.

The Board Chairperson thanked Ms Moffat for their presentation.


a        Carolyn Moffat's tabled materials in support of request for an alcohol ban in Edgeware Village  



4.6          Rosina Bond

Rosina Bond, along with another Meadow Street resident, Sam Currie, addressed the Board regarding concerns around multiple instances of people camping in vehicles on the street for extended periods, causing various nuisances and giving cause to contact the Police and Council about these.

With indication Meadow Street is being targeted by both tourists and other persons regularly camping on the street, with particular individuals often returning – attracted by the facilities at the holiday park at the end of the street, though camping outside it – the residents requested the street be added as a prohibited area for freedom camping.

The Board requested staff provide advice to them, and report back to the residents, on the request and issues. 

The Board Chairperson thanked the residents for their presentation.

5.   Deputations by Appointment Ngā Huinga Whakaritenga

Part B

There were no deputations by appointment.

6.   Presentation of Petitions Ngā Pākikitanga

Part B

There was no presentation of petitions.


7.   Correspondence


Board Consideration

The attached photo was supplied in the correspondence from Karyn Baylis showing the unsealed section of road shoulder on Prestons Road that the Board requested staff to investigate an urgent temporary fix for as this is affecting the safety of students biking along the road, either pushing them close to traffic, or onto the slippery unsealed road shoulder.


Staff Recommendations / Ngā Tūtohu

That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

1.        Receive the correspondence attached to the agenda report.


Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00031

Part B

That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

1.              Receive the correspondence from Karyn Baylis attached to the agenda report.

2.              Request that staff investigate an urgent temporary fix for the relevant unsealed section of road shoulder on Prestons Road while awaiting a long-term solution.

Pauline Cotter/John Miller                                                                                            Carried



a        Photo - unsealed Prestons Road shoulder referenced in correspondence  


10. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund Application - Neighbourhood Trust


Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00032 Officer recommendations accepted without change

Part C

That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

1.        Receives the information in the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2023/24 Discretionary Response Fund Application - Neighbourhood Trust Report.

2.        Notes that the decision in this report is assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

3.        Approves a grant of $2,500 from its 2023/2024 Discretionary Response Fund to the Neighbourhood Trust towards the Parenting Adventures 2024 Workshop.

Emma Norrish/Sunita Gautam                                                                          Carried


8.   Christchurch Northern Corridor- McFaddens Road at its intersection with Cranford Street (northbound)


Procedural Motion

That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

1.              Lays the report on the table.

Ali Jones/Victoria Henstock                                                                                               Lost


Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00033 Officer recommendations accepted without change

Part C

That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

1.        Receives the information in the Christchurch Northern Corridor- McFaddens Road at its intersection with Cranford Street (northbound) Report.

2.        Approves the scheme design as detailed on plan RD3716S112 dated 12/04/2024 in Attachment A to the agenda report.

3.        Notes that this report is assessed as medium significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. The level of significance was determined by completing a Significance and Engagement Assessment.

Pauline Cotter/Simon Britten                                                                                   Carried

Ali Jones and Victoria Henstock requested that their votes against the resolutions be recorded.



Emma Norrish left the meeting and the Chair at 5.17pm, returning to both at 5.20pm, during consideration of item 8. Simon Britten assumed the Chair during her absence.


9.   Lancaster Park changing rooms and community facility construction


Staff presented the attached presentation on the project.


Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00034 Officer recommendations accepted without change

Part C

That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

1.        Receive the information in the Lancaster Park changing rooms and community facility construction Report.

2.        Approve the site selection and final concept design for the Lancaster Park changing rooms and community facility as shown in Attachment B to the agenda report, and that staff proceed to detailed design and construction of the selected design of the buildings.

3.        Note that the decision in this report is assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Jake McLellan/Sunita Gautam                                                                           Carried



a        Staff Presentation - Lancaster Park Redevelopment: Changing rooms and community facility construction  



Victoria Henstock left the meeting at 5.41pm and returned at 5.45pm during consideration of item 9.

11. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Area Report - May 2024


Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00035 Officer recommendations accepted without change

Part B

That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board:

1.          Receive the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Area Report for May 2024.

Simon Britten/Emma Norrish                                                                               Carried


12. Elected Members’ Information Exchange Te Whakawhiti Whakaaro o Te Kāhui Amorangi

Part B

Board members exchanged information on their activities, including in relation to:

·     Police engagement

·     A visit to Kairos Food Rescue

·     Papanui ANZAC Service and Parade

·     Phillipstown Hub Gala


Karakia Whakamutunga



Meeting concluded at 6.03pm.




Emma Norrish
