Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board
Open Minutes
Date: Monday 8 May 2023
Time: 4.37 pm
Venue: Boardroom, Fendalton Service
Corner Jeffreys and Clyde Roads, Fendalton
Deputy Chairperson Members |
Jason Middlemiss Linda Chen (via audio/visual link) James Gough Aaron Keown Sam MacDonald Nicola McCormick (via audio/visual link) |
Maryanne Lomax
Manager Community Governance, Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood
941 6730
Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board 08 May 2023 |
Part A Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B Reports for Information
Part C Decisions Under Delegation
The agenda was dealt with in the following order.
1. Apologies Ngā Whakapāha
Part C
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00020 That the apologies for absence received from Bridget Williams, Shirish Paranjape and David Cartwright, and apology for lateness from Sam MacDonald be accepted. James Gough/Aaron Keown Carried |
2. Declarations of Interest Ngā Whakapuaki Aronga
Part B
There were no declarations of interest recorded.
3. Confirmation of Previous Minutes Te Whakaāe o te hui o mua
Part C
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00021 That the minutes of the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board meeting held on Tuesday, 11 April 2023 be confirmed. Jason Middlemiss/James Gough Carried |
4. Public Forum Te Huinga Whānui
Part B
There were no public forum presentations.
5. Deputations by Appointment Ngā Huinga Whakaritenga
Part B
Dave Gardner, local resident, addressed the Board regarding the Heaton Street Safety Improvements. |
a Dave Gardner - Presentation ⇨ |
Sam MacDonald joined the meeting at 4.55pm during Sarah Pallett’s deputation.
Sarah Pallett Sarah Pallett, Member of Parliament for Ilam, addressed the Board regarding the Heaton Street Safety Improvements. |
6. Presentation of Petitions Ngā Pākikitanga
Part B
There was no presentation of petitions.
7. Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board Submissions Committee Minutes - 3 April 2023 |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00022 That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board receives the Minutes from the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board Submissions Committee meeting held 3 April 2023. |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00023 That the reports be received and considered at the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board meeting on Monday, 8 May 2023. Open Items 16. Heaton Street Safety Improvements - Safer crossing for schools Jason Middlemiss/James Gough Carried |
8 & 16. Heaton Street Safety Improvements - Safer crossing for schools |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00024 Officer Recommendations Accepted Without Change Part C That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board: 1. Revokes resolutions FWHB/2023/00022 and FWHB/2023/00023 made by the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board at its meeting on 11 April 2023 (set out in Attachment D to this report) 4. Approves all kerb alignments, road surface treatments, and road markings as detailed on Attachment A of the report. 5. Resolves, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the stopping of vehicles be prohibited at all times: a. On the northern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 56 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 5 metres. b. On the northern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 75 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 12 metres. c. On the northern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 93 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 36 metres. d. On the northern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 116 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 7 metres. e. On the southern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 203 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 23 metres. f. On the southern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 233 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 7 metres. g. On the southern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 247 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 12 metres. h. On the southern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 273 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 5 metres. 6. Resolves pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that the parking of vehicles be restricted to a maximum of three minutes between 8:15AM to 9:15AM and 2:30PM to 3:30PM on all weekdays (Monday to Friday): a. On the northern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 87 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 6 metres. b. On the northern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 129 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 20 metres. c. On the southern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 188 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 15 metres. d. On the southern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 240 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 7 metres. Bus stops 7. Resolves pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that a marked bus stop be installed: a. On the northern side of Heaton Street commencing at a point approximately 75 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in an easterly direction for a distance of 14 metres. b. On the southern side of Heaton Street commencing at a point approximately 259 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 14 metres. Bus passenger shelter 8. Resolves pursuant to Section 339(1) of the Local Government Act 1974: a. The installation of a bus passenger shelter on the south side of Heaton Street (beside 122 Heaton Street) commencing at a point 261 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of approximately 3.6 metres. 9. Revoke any previous resolutions pertaining to traffic controls made pursuant to any bylaw to the extent that they are in conflict with the traffic controls described above. 10. Resolves that these resolutions take effect when the traffic control devices that evidence the restrictions described in the staff report are in place. Jason Middlemiss/James Gough Carried |
a Officer Presentation - Example of Raised Safety Platform ⇨ |
Community Board Decided FWHB/2023/00025 Officer Recommendations Accepted Without Change Part A That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board recommends that the Council: 2. Approves, pursuant to Clause 18 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017: a. That a Special Vehicle Lane (Cycle) be installed along the northern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 53 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 98 metres. b. That a Special Vehicle Lane (Cycle) be installed along the southern side of Heaton Street, commencing at a point approximately 180 metres west of its intersection with Papanui Road and extending in a westerly direction for a distance of 98 metres. 3. Approves that a signalised crossing with a raised safety platform for the use by pedestrians and cyclists, as detailed on Attachment A, be installed on Heaton Street at a point approximately 111 metres west of its intersection with Circuit Street, in accordance with the relevant sections of the Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004.
Jason Middlemiss/James Gough Carried |
9. Tree removal and replacement planting within Pasadena Reserve (Cam Place) |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00026 Officer Recommendations Accepted Without Change Part C That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board: 1. Receive the report. 2. Approve the option of removal of four trees and the planting of eight medium trees as shown on attachment A. Aaron Keown/James Gough Carried |
10. Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood 2023-25 Community Board Plan |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00027 Officer Recommendations Accepted Without Change Part C That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board: 1. Adopt the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood 2023-25 Community Board Plan. Jason Middlemiss/Sam MacDonald Carried |
11. Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board 2022-23 Discretionary Response Fund Application - Belfast Sports and Community Centre Inc, Otautahi Eritrean Association Inc |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00028 Officer Recommendations Accepted Without Change Part C That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board: 1. Approve a grant of $1,030 from its 2022-23 Discretionary Response Fund to the Belfast Sports and Community Centre Inc towards the purchase of a new Oven and Volunteer Recognition. 2. Approves a grant of $2,000 from its 2022-2023 Discretionary Response Fund to the Otautahi Eritrean Association towards their Eritrean Independence Day celebrations. Jason Middlemiss/Sam MacDonald Carried |
12. Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood 2022-23 Youth Development Fund Application - Harrison Leach |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00029 Officer Recommendations Accepted Without Change Part C That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board resolve to: 1. Approve a grant of $500 from its 2022-23 Youth Development Fund to Harrison Leach towards competing at the 2023 World under 24 Ultimate Frisbee Championships in Nottingham, England, from 2 to 8 July 2023. Sam MacDonald/Aaron Keown Carried |
13. Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board Area Report - May 2023 |
Community Board Resolved FWHB/2023/00030 Officer Recommendations Accepted Without Change Part B That the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board: 1. Receive the Waimāero Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood Community Board Area Report for May 2023. Jason Middlemiss/Aaron Keown Carried |
14. Elected Members’ Information Exchange Te Whakawhiti Whakaaro o Te Kāhui Amorangi
Part B
Meeting concluded at 5.27pm.
Bridget Williams