Finance and Performance Committee
Open Minutes
Date: Wednesday 26 April 2023
Time: 9.30 am
Venue: Council Chambers, Civic
53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Chairperson Deputy Chairperson Members |
Councillor Sam MacDonald Councillor Melanie Coker Mayor Phil Mauger Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter Councillor Kelly Barber Councillor Celeste Donovan – via audio/visual link Councillor Tyrone Fields Councillor James Gough – via audio/visual link Councillor Tyla Harrison-Hunt Councillor Victoria Henstock Councillor Yani Johanson Councillor Aaron Keown Councillor Jake McLellan Councillor Andrei Moore Councillor Mark Peters Councillor Tim Scandrett Councillor Sara Templeton |
Principal Advisor Leah Scales General Manager - Resources / CFO Tel: 941 8999 |
Principal Advisor Dawn Baxendale Chief Executive Tel: 941 8999 |
David Corlett
Committee and Hearings Advisor
941 5421
Finance and Performance Committee 26 April 2023 |
Part A Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B Reports for Information
Part C Decisions Under Delegation
Karakia Tīmatanga: Given by all Councillors
The agenda was dealt with in the following order.
1. Apologies Ngā Whakapāha
Part C
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00029 That the apologies received from Councillor Gough for a possible early departure be accepted. Councillor MacDonald/Mayor Carried |
2. Declarations of Interest Ngā Whakapuaki Aronga
Part B
Councillors Henstock and McLellan declared an interest in Item 11 and took no part in the debate or voting on this matter.
Councillors Scandrett and Barber declared an interest in Item 12 and took no part in the debate or voting on this matter.
Councillors MacDonald, McLellan and Gough declared an interest in Item 13 - 1a and took no part in the debate or voting on this matter.
Councillor Fields declared an interest in Item 13 – 1c and Item 14 and took no part in the debate or voting on this matter.
Councillors Peters declared an interest in Item 13 – 1d and took no part in the debate or voting on this matter.
Councillors MacDonald and Templeton declared an interest in public excluded Item 20 and took no part in the debate or voting on this matter.
3. Confirmation of Previous Minutes Te Whakaāe o te hui o mua
Part C
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00030 That the minutes of the Finance and Performance Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 22 March 2023 be confirmed. |
4. Public Forum Te Huinga Whānui
Part B
There were no public forum presentations.
5. Deputations by Appointment Ngā Huinga Whakaritenga
Part B
There were no deputations by appointment.
6. Presentation of Petitions Ngā Pākikitanga
Part B
There was no presentation of petitions.
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00031 That the reports be received and considered at the Finance and Performance Committee meeting on Wednesday, 26 April 2023. Public Excluded Items 20. Christchurch City Holdings Ltd Governance Councillor MacDonald/Councillor Templeton Carried
Councillor Johanson requested that his vote against this recommendation be recorded. |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00032 Part C That Abby Foote, Paul Silk and Mary Devine of Christchurch City Holdings Ltd Governance, remain after the public have been excluded for Item 18 and Abby Foote and Paul Silk remain for Item 20 of the public excluded agenda as they have knowledge that is relevant to these items and will assist the Council. And That at 9.33am the resolution to exclude the public set out on pages 306 to 307 of the agenda be adopted. |
The public were re-admitted to the meeting at 11.15am, and following a short break the meeting resumed at 11.30pm.
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00033 Officer Recommendations accepted without change. Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receive the information in the Te Kaha Project Elected Member Update Report. Mayor/Councillor Peters Carried |
Councillor Templeton left at 11.40am and returned at 11.43am during Item 10.
11. ChristchurchNZ Holdings Ltd - Draft Statement of Intent for 2023/24 |
1. Ali Adams (Chief Executive), Therese Arseneau (Chair), and Cath Carter (GM Urban Development) spoke to their presentation (attached). |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00034 Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receives the draft Statement of Intent for 2023/24 for ChristchurchNZ Holdings Ltd; 2. Request that ChristchurchNZ Holdings Ltd reflects in its SOI that its urban development projects will align with the Greater Christchurch and Ōtautahi Christchurch strategic planning documents (under development) and other city strategic directions such as the Economic Development Ambition; and 3. Notes that ChristchurchNZ Holdings Ltd will include the full suite of financial and non-financial performance targets in its final Statement of Intent. Councillor Harrison-Hunt/Mayor Carried |
a ChristchurchNZ Holdings Ltd Presentation ⇨ |
Councillor Coker assumed the Chair for consideration of Item 13.
13. Council-controlled organisations - Draft Statements of Intent for 2023/24 |
Committee Recommendation Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receives the draft Statements of Intent for 2023/24 for the following Council-controlled organisations:
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00035 a. Civic Building Ltd Mayor/Deputy Mayor Carried |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00036 b. Local Government Funding Agency Mayor/Deputy Mayor Carried |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00037 c. Rod Donald Banks Peninsula Trust Mayor/Councillor Coker Carried |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00038 d. Riccarton Bush Trust Mayor/Deputy Mayor Carried |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00039 e. Te Kaha Project Delivery Ltd Mayor/Deputy Mayor Carried |
Councillor Donovan left the meeting at 12.15pm during consideration of Item 12.
Councillor Henstock left the meeting at 12.27pm during consideration of Item 12.
Councillor Moore left the meeting at 12.31pm and did not return.
Councillor Barber left the meeting at 12.34pm and returned at 12.36pm during consideration of Item 12.
Councillor MacDonald returned to the Chair.
1. Caroline Harvie-Teare (Chief Executive), Gill Cox (Chair) and Dale Andrews (CFO) spoke to their presentation (attached). |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00040Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receives the draft Statement of Intent for Venues Ōtautahi for 2023/24; and 2. Provides the following shareholder comments to the Venues Ōtautahi board for its consideration regarding the performance targets: a) they focus on demonstrating the achieving of outcomes to the extent possible; b) annual carbon reduction targets are included; and c) Venues Ōtautahi staff engage with Council staff on proposed changes to non-financial performance targets before the Statement of Intent for 2023/24 is finalised; and d) changes to the financial forecasts in the final Statement of Intent 2023/24 and reasons for changes should be clearly documented. |
a Venues Otautahi Presentation ⇨ |
14. Rod Donald Banks Peninsula Trust - Half year report for six months ending 31 December 2022 and Civic Financial Services Ltd - Statement of Intent 2023 |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00041 Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receives the half year report for the Rod Donald Banks Peninsula Trust for the period 1 July-31 December 2022; and 2. Receives the Statement of Intent for 2023 for Civic Building Ltd. Councillor Keown/Mayor Carried |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00042 Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Agrees that the Council remains in partnership with Selwyn District Council as a shareholder of the Central Plains Water Trust and a member of the Central Plains Water Joint Committee; 2. Appoints Deputy Mayor Cotter and Councillor Peters to the Central Plains Water Joint Committee; and 3. Agrees that staff review and report on the efficacy of the governance arrangements for the Central Plains Water Trust in 18 months. Councillor Keown/Councillor McLellan Carried
Councillor Johanson requested that his vote against recommendation 1 be noted. |
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00043 Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receive the information in the Key Organisational Performance Results - March 2023 report. |
Councillor Henstock returned to the meeting at 12.57pm during Item 9.
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00044 Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receive the information in the Capital Programme Performance Report to the end of March 2023. |
Councillor Cotter left the meeting at 1.12pm and returned at 1.14pm during Item 8.
Committee Resolved FPCO/2023/00045 Officer Recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Finance and Performance Committee: 1. Receive the information in the Financial Performance Report for March 2023. |
Karakia Whakamutunga: Given by all Councillors
Meeting concluded at 1.19pm.
Councillor Sam MacDonald