Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board
Open Minutes
Date: Thursday 15 August 2024
Time: 4.03 pm
Venue: Board Room, Papanui Service Centre,
Corner Langdons Road and Restell Street, Papanui
Chairperson Deputy Chairperson Members |
Emma Norrish Simon Britten Pauline Cotter Sunita Gautam Ali Jones John Miller Emma Twaddell |
Principal Advisor Emma Pavey Manager Community Governance, Papanui-Innes-Central Tel: 941 5107 |
Mark Saunders
Community Board Advisor
941 6436
Part A Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B Reports for Information
Part C Decisions Under Delegation
The agenda was dealt with in the following order.
1. Apologies Ngā Whakapāha
Part C
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00059 That the apologies received from Victoria Henstock and Jake McLellan for absence be accepted. |
2. Declarations of Interest Ngā Whakapuaki Aronga
Part B
Emma Norrish declared an interest in Item 9.
3. Confirmation of Previous Minutes Te Whakaāe o te hui o mua
Part C
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00060 That the minutes of the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board meeting held on Thursday, 11 July 2024 be confirmed. |
4. Public Forum Te Huinga Whānui
Part B
Linda Ellwood Resident, Linda Ellwood, spoke regarding a request to make part of Fortune Playground Park into a dog park. |
The Board requested that staff investigate Ms Ellwood’s request for part of the park near Diana Issac Retirement Village (shown in her attached photos) to be fenced off as a dog park for small dogs, and to inform her as to the outcome. The Chairperson thanked Ms Ellwood for her presentation. |
a Linda Ellwood Presentation - photos of area for requested dog park for small dogs ⇨ |
Lorraine North Resident, Lorraine North, addressed the Board regarding noise pollution with reference to continual construction noise to highlight ‘the damaging effects of on-going noise nuisance on the health and well-being of residents living near construction sites, with reference to building projects both large or small’. |
Ms North circulated the attached materials in support of her address. The Chairperson thanked Ms North for her presentation. |
a Lorraine North - 'Summary of Changes Need to Neighbourhood Noise Rules' ⇨ b Neighbourhood Noise Brochure ⇨ c Article on 'Noise and Health' ⇨ d Lorraine North - Presentation ⇨ |
5. Deputations by Appointment Ngā Huinga Whakaritenga
Part B
There were no deputations by appointment.
6. Presentation of Petitions Ngā Pākikitanga
Part B
There was no presentation of petitions.
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00061 Officer recommendations accepted without change Part B That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board: 1. Receives the information in the correspondence report dated 15 August 2024. |
8. North Avon Road - Proposed Short Term Parking Restrictions |
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00062 Officer recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board: 1. Receives the information in the North Avon Road - Proposed Short Term Parking Restrictions Report. 2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. 3. Revokes any previous resolutions pertaining to traffic controls made pursuant to any bylaw to the extent that they are in conflict with the parking or stopping restrictions described in this resolution. 4. Approves, pursuant to Clause 7 of the Christchurch City Council Traffic and Parking Bylaw 2017, that: a. the parking of motor vehicles be restricted to a maximum period of ten minutes between the times of 8:15am and 9:15am, and between 2:15pm and 3:15pm on the north side of North Avon Road, commencing at a point 58 metres east of its intersection with Slater Street and extending in eastward direction for a distance of 8 metres. 5. Approves that these resolutions take effect when parking signage and/or road markings that evidence the restrictions described in the staff report are in place (or removed in the case of revocations). |
9. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2024-25 Strengthening Communities Fund |
The Board accepted the Officer Recommendations, except it increased the grant to St Albans School from $2,500 to $3,000 in each of 2024-25 and 2025-26 for their Traffic Wardens project, and it accepted an updated Officer recommendation to grant $200 to the Bishopdale Table Tennis Club for their Bishopdale Table Tennis project, rather than $350. |
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00063 Part C Simon Britten assumed the Chair for the separate consideration of the application below. That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board: 1. Approves the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2024-25 Strengthening Communities Fund grant outlined in the following schedule:
Sunita Gautam/Emma Twaddell Carried Emma Norrish declared an interest in the above application and took no part in the Board’s discussion or voting on this application. Emma Norrish returned to the Chair. |
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00064 2. Receives the information in the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2024-25 Fund Report. 3. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed at low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. 4. Approves the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2024-25 Strengthening Communities Fund grants outlined in the following schedule: APPLICATIONS REQUESTING OVER $5,000
5. Declines the 2024-25 Strengthening Communities Fund applications outlined in the following schedule:
6. Approve the transfer of any unspent funds from the 2024-25 Strengthening Communities Fund to the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund. 7. Establish the 2024-25 Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Discretionary Response Fund. |
10. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board 2024-25 Projects Fund |
The Board accepted the Officer Recommendations, except for the Community Pride Garden Awards 2025, it did not make an allocation, but noted its wish to consult with the Christchurch Beautifying Association about the possibility of holding Community Pride Garden Awards every other year. |
Officer Recommendations Ngā Tūtohu That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board: 1. Receives the information in the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board 2024-25 Projects Fund Report. 2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. 3. Allocates $9,000 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Youth Recreation project. 4. Approves the establishment of the 2024-25 Papanui-Innes-Central Youth Development Fund (YDF) with: a. the eligibility and criteria set out in Attachment B; b. allocation of $8,000 from the 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the YDF; and c. delegation to the Community Governance Manager to approve grants from the YDF of up to $500 per application. 5. Allocates $4,500 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Summer with your neighbours. 6. Allocates $4,000 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Community Liaison meetings. 7. Allocates $1,500 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Community Pride Garden Awards 2025. |
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00065 Part C That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board: 1. Receives the information in the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board 2024-25 Projects Fund Report. 2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. 3. Allocates $9,000 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Youth Recreation project. 4. Approves the establishment of the 2024-25 Papanui-Innes-Central Youth Development Fund (YDF) with: a. the eligibility and criteria set out in Attachment B to the agenda report; b. allocation of $8,000 from the 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the YDF; and c. delegation to the Community Governance Manager to approve grants from the YDF of up to $500 per application. 5. Allocates $4,500 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Summer with your neighbours. 6. Allocates $4,000 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund towards the Community Liaison meetings. 7. Notes its wish to consult with the Christchurch Beautifying Association about the possibility of holding Community Pride Garden Awards every other year. |
11. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund Application - St Pauls Papanui Anglican Parish for the Replacement of community seating. |
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00066 Officer recommendations accepted without change Part C That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board: 1. Receives the information in the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund Application - St Pauls Papanui Anglican Parish for the Replacement of community seating Report. 2. Notes that the decisions in this report are assessed as low significance based on the Christchurch City Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy. 3. Approves a grant of $620 from its 2024-25 Discretionary Response Fund to St Pauls Papanui Anglican Parish towards the Replacement of community seating. |
12. Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Area Report - August 2024 |
Community Board Resolved PCBCC/2024/00067 Officer recommendations accepted without change Part B That the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board: 1. Receives the Waipapa Papanui-Innes-Central Community Board Area Report for August 2024. |
13. Elected Members’ Information Exchange Te Whakawhiti Whakaaro o Te Kāhui Amorangi
Part B
Meeting concluded at 5.21pm.
Emma Norrish