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Christchurch City Council




Date:                                    Wednesday 8 November 2023

Time:                                   9.31am

Venue:                                 Council Chambers, Civic Offices,
53 Hereford Street, Christchurch





Deputy Chairperson


Mayor Phil Mauger

Deputy Mayor Pauline Cotter

Councillor Kelly Barber

Councillor Melanie Coker

Councillor Celeste Donovan

Councillor Tyrone Fields

Councillor Tyla Harrison-Hunt

Councillor Victoria Henstock

Councillor Yani Johanson

Councillor Aaron Keown – via audio/visual link

Councillor Sam MacDonald – via audio/visual link

Councillor Jake McLellan

Councillor Andrei Moore

Councillor Mark Peters

Councillor Tim Scandrett

Councillor Sara Templeton








Principal Advisor

Mary Richardson

Acting General Manager Infrastructure, Planning and Regulatory Services

Tel: 941 8999


Samantha Kelly

Team Leader Hearings & Committee Support

941 6227



To watch a recording of this meeting, or future meetings live, go to:
To view copies of Agendas and Minutes, visit:



08 November 2023



Karakia Tīmatanga: Given by all Councillors

The agenda was dealt with in the following order.

1.   Apologies Ngā Whakapāha  

Council Resolved CNCL/2023/00132

That the apology for lateness from Councillor Templeton, and the apology for absence due to a conflict of interest from Councillor Gough be accepted.                                   

Councillor Scandrett/Councillor Peters                                                                                                           Carried


2.   Declarations of Interest Ngā Whakapuaki Aronga

Councillor Gough was absent for this meeting due to a conflict of interest in item 5.


Councillor Fields and Councillor Barber joined the meeting at 9.32am during consideration of item 5.

Councillor Henstock joined the meeting at 9.33am during consideration of item 5.

Councillor Fields left the meeting at 9.40am and returned at 9.41am during consideration of item 5.


5.   Summary of feedback on short-term options for our green bin organics


The following Councillor Officers joined the table and provided a presentation regarding the community feedback on the short-term options for our green bin organics:

·      Aimee Martin

·      Ashleigh Hamilton

·      Tessa Zant

·      David McArdle


Council Resolved CNCL/2023/00133

Officer recommendation accepted without change

That the Council:

1.         Receives the information in the summary of feedback on short-term options for our green bin organics, noting that a decision on this matter will be put to Council on 6 December 2023.

Deputy Mayor/Councillor Henstock                                                                                                                  Carried




a       Short term options for green bin organics - Presentation to Council  





3.   Public Participation Te Huinga Tūmatanui

3.1   Public Forum Te Huinga Whānui

There was no public forum session scheduled for this meeting.

3.2   Deputations by Appointment Ngā Huinga Whakaritenga


3.2.1 – 3.2.35

Where should we send our green bin organics?

The following presenters spoke in support of their submission to the ‘where should we send our green bin organics?’ consultation:



Item 3.2.2 – Babs Theinert-Brown.


Councillor Barber left the meeting at 9.57am and returned at 10.01am during consideration of item 3.2.3.


Item 3.2.3 – Bruce King.


Item 3.2.1 – David Daish (via audio / visual link).


Item 3.2.4 – Don Gould.


Item 3.2.5 – Geoffrey King.


Councillor Templeton joined the meeting at 10.20am during consideration of item 3.2.7.


Item 3.2.7 – Nick Robinson.


Item 3.2.9 -  John Mackie (presentation provided, Attachment A).


Item 3.2.6 – Matthew Coultas.


The meeting adjourned at 10.35am and reconvened at 11.00am. Councillor MacDonald was not present at this time.


Item 3.2.10 – Tammy Ramsey-Evans.


Councillor McLellan left the meeting at 11.09am during consideration of item 3.2.11 and returned at 11.15 during consideration of item 3.2.13.


Item 3.2.11 – Henry Van Der Vossen.


Item 3.2.13 -  Geoffrey Bailey (presentation provided, Attachment B).


Item 3.2.12 –Ben Smith spoke on behalf of Circular Solutions Ltd.


Item 3.2.14- Peter Clothier.


Councillor Cotter left the meeting at 11.31am and returned at 11.35am during consideration of item 3.2.35.


Item 3.2.35 – Julie Summers (submission provided in Attachment C).


Item 3.2.16 – Dr Elvira Dommisse (via audio/visual link) (presentation provided, Attachment D).


Item 3.2.18 – Matt Willoughby and Cheryl Brunton spoke on behalf of Te Mana Ora.


Item 3.2.26 – Christine Balance spoke on behalf of Christchurch South Community Garden Trust.


Item 3.2.19 – Reuben Davidson (Petition provided, Attachment E).


Councillor McLellan left the meeting at 12.01pm and returned at 12.02pm during consideration of item 3.2.22.


Item 3.2.22 – Chairperson Paul McMahon and Deputy Chairperson Jackie Simons spoke of behalf of the Waitai Coastal-Burwood-Linwood Community Board.


The meeting adjourned at 12.14pm and reconvened at 1.30pm. Councillor MacDonald did not return to the meeting. Councillors Keown, Donovan and Templeton were not present at this time.

Councillor Donovan returned to the meeting at 1.31pm during consideration of item 3.2.23.

Councillor Templeton returned to the meeting at 1.37pm during consideration of item 3.2.23.

Councillor Keown returned to the meeting via audio/visual link at 1.37pm during consideration of item 3.2.23.


Item 3.2.23 – Hans Janus.


Item 3.2.24 – Darryn Bennett.


Item 3.2.25 – Dianne Downward.


Item 3.2.27  - Keely Gwatkin.


Item 3.2.28 – Kaitlyn Lamb.


Item 3.2.29 – Annette McGowan spoke on behalf of the Bromley Community Centre.


Item 3.2.31 – Alan Direen (Documents provided, Attachment F and Attachment G).


Item 3.2.32 – Doug Williamson.


Item 3.2.33 – Alison Ross spoke on behalf of the Lyttelton Environment Group.


Deputation Attachments

a       John Mackie - Presentation to Council

b      Geoffrey Bailey - Presentation to Council

c      Julie Summers - Submission

d      Dr Elvira Dommisse - Presentation to Council

e       Reuben Davidson - Presentation to Council

f       Alan Direen - Presentation to Council 1

g      Alan Direen - Presentation to Council 2  


4.   Presentation of Petitions Ngā Pākikitanga

A petition was provided as part of deputation item 3.2.19.  

The meeting adjourned at 2.23pm and reconvened at  2.32pm. Councillors Keown, Barber, Johanson, Donovan, Templeton and Fields were not present at this time.


Councillor Fields and Councillor Johanson returned to the meeting at 2.33pm during consideration of item 5.

Councillor Barber returned to the meeting at 2.35pm during consideration of item 5.

Councillor Donovan and Councillor Templeton returned to the meeting at 2.40pm during consideration of item 5.

Councillor Keown returned to the meeting via audio/visual link during consideration of item 5.


5 Continued. Summary of feedback on short-term options for our green bin organics


Council Officers Aimee Martin, Alex McNeil and David McArdle returned to the table to answer questions of Councillors.

Responses to questions that Council Officers were unable answer during the meeting will be provided to the Council at its next decision-making meeting on this item.



6.   Submissions received on the 'where should we send green bin organics?' consultation


All submissions on the 'where should we send green bin organics?' consultation were provided to the Council for their consideration.



Councillor Cotter left the meeting at 2.48pm.

Councillor McLellan left the meeting at 2.49pm.


Karakia Whakamutunga: Given by all Councillors


Meeting concluded at 2.54pm.




Mayor Phil Mauger
